Monday 28 January 2013

XBRL Instance Documents and Taxonomies for Financial Information


Earlier in the chapter, we saw some of the complexities in the metadata for a business report. The XBRL specification supports a number of metadata concepts. As there is a wide variety of potential business reporting solutions, the specification does not pre-define concepts. Instead, taxonomy builders place all their concepts in a XML schema. The XML schema standard allows developers to construct their schemas similarly to the development of relational or object- oriented database schemas. These data structures are not sufficiently flexible, however, for the business-reporting environment. Instead, the schema is merely a simple list of all the concepts in the taxonomy. Structure in the taxonomy is provided in so-called linkbases. These are implemented in the XLink language. Figure 1.5 illustrates the interaction between schema and linkbases. The linkbases add all the richness of metadata to the concepts listed in the schema. We illustrate four of the linkbases in this example.

The first linkbase adds human readable labels to the concepts (label linkbase). The XML technology allows taxonomy builders to provide a variety of labels (e.g. terse labels, verbose labels, standard.
Handling Semantics in Information
Exchange - An Introduction to XML Good information is hard to get. It is even more difficult, to use it. This citation is even more valid for the information age with many billions of Web page and in these times of the semantic web. The main issue for Web users is not getting information. Rather the principal task for the user of the Web is to separate relevant from irrelevant information. Humans can use their knowledge and subtle- clues when they face a long list of results from a search engine. Conversely, when there is automated processing of information, large numbers of unreliable search results are often a serious problem.
Opening Vignette
Will XML be the ultimate platform? Or will it be the next EDI? I hear it's going to cure cancer," says Tim Bray, its co-creator. "It's going to do my dishes, I hear," says Anne-Marie Keane, Staples' vice president of B2B e-commerce. Behind the Hip jokes lies XML - a syntax thai underpins a growing list of more than 300 nascent data standards. MathML, for instance, will make il possible lo manipulate advanced mathematical equations on a Web page. Spacecraft Markup Language standardizes databases that operate telemetry and mission control. And then there's MeatXML, a comical name for a serious effort to create a universal meat and poultry supply chain standard. With XML going in so many directions at once, you can't blame CIOs for being confused. The hyperbole often makes XML sound like a salve for all pain. Finding the truth behind the lales takes some digging. Technologically, XML is a giant leap for IT. It can drastically reduce development time while making data transfer over the Internet simple. If nurturd properly, it may even become the ASCII text of online business - ubiquitous and assumed. Or it could become the next EDI, fractured under die pressure of vendor self-iiiteresl. One diing is certain: for XML to reach its full potential, CIOs will have to lake an active role in forcing their partners, iheir vendors and even their competitors toward a radically more open computing model than what existed before.

Annelie Breton is a domain consultant in taxation company which is provides Online eTDS Software, USB Token for Digital Signaturexbrl software and various utility product for chartered accountant, Company secretary and corporates.


  1. Nice Article! Thanks for your information. its very useful for many users
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  2. The blog mentions XBRL software in Mumbai offers flexibility for business reports. However, it focuses on labeling data. Can XBRL handle the complexities mentioned earlier, like diverse reporting needs and standardization across industries?
